Dangers of Buying Meth Homes in Florida

Meth Homes in Florida are a growing problem
meth homes in Florida


A meth home is a residential, secret, and illegal drug lab which is used to create the street drug called methamphetamine.


Labs in Meth homes in Florida are growing in popularity due to the ease and low cost of making these drugs.


There have been 84,000 seized meth labs nationwide since 2004.


Homes that have been used as meth homes in Florida  have long term toxic effects causing numerous health problems from respiratory to neurological illness to unsuspecting home buyers.


Meth homes in Florida are Toxic


These Meth homes in Florida are fully contaminated with hazard and explosive chemicals such as iodine, ammonia, lithium, paint thinner, brake cleaner, engine starter fluid, gas additives, and camp stove gas just to name a few.  These chemicals penetrate the air, walls, carpet, furniture, air ducts.


This toxic environment creates problems with electrical wiring and moisture, putting these Meth homes in Florida in complete disrepair.


The CEO of Operations of Meth Lab Cleanup, says 75% of the homes that are decontaminated are bank owned homes.  In many cases where meth homes where disclosed to buyers and decontaminated, the buyers still got sick from their homes.


This growing problem is effecting all states including Florida.  Only half of the states have standards for remediation (clean up) and only half have any required disclosure to potential homes owners. There  is no standards for reporting Meth homes to the DEA Registry so not all homes are even reported.


Signs of Meth Contamination


Here are some warning signs for Meth Homes in Florida.


meth homes in florida common products

  • Eyes and throat burning when entering a property


  • Chemical stains on toilets and bathtub


  • Large number of lithium batteries, particularly ones that have been stripped


  • Propane tanks with fittings that have turned blue


  • Strong smell of urine or unusual chemical smells like ether, ammonia, or acetone


  • Trash filled with large amount of products like paint thinner, lighter fluid, drain cleaners, and cold tablet containers.


No disclosure required on Meth Homes in Florida


Meth home disclosures are done at the state level, and Florida does not have a mandatory meth home disclosure requirement, like some other states have.  The State of Florida does have mandatory disclosure law for Radon, and Federal disclosure of Lead Based paint but no disclosures for Meth Homes in Florida.


The State has not adopted a standard for clean up of meth homes in Florida, either. While Real estate agents  and sellers are required to disclosure anything the materially and substantially affects the value of the home, that disclosure does not need to be in writing.  In most cases, agents are unaware which are the meth homes in Florida.


How Home Buyers can avoid Meth Homes in Florida


Not only can these homes be hazardous to your health, but can cost $5,000-$10,000 to clean up the toxicity.  Here are some steps to find out if a home you are considering buying has been a former meth lab.


  • DEA’s National Clandestine Laboratory Register for Florida
  • Talk to the Police
  • Talk to the neighbors
  • Get preliminary meth home test kit for $50.  In depth testing, costs $500-$700.


Buyers Broker of Florida will always fully disclose and share all information with buyers so they can make the best investment decision. If you need help finding the right home, we are just a phone call or email away.

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