Read the contract, Honey…

The majority of Florida Real Estate Agents do not read the contract…


Or maybe they just don’t bother to read the contract because it is too confusing. Either way, that is a shame.

Read the contract Terms and Conditions


Every buyers agent, sellers agent, or transaction broker should read the contract and understand what the contract says.


The four corners of the contract are the instructions for the transaction.


Every issue that can come up  is addressed in the 10 page standard Florida Far-Bar contract.  Just read the contract.



I had a transaction recently where the listing agent/sellers agent obviously never read the contract, but kept insisting that the buyer sign an addendum that says they agree that the seller will not make any future  repairs…that is removing the buyers protection under the contract for unforeseen issues that can come up prior to closing.  Like a broken window, leaking roof,  tree falling etc. I said “No…read the contract, honey”.  (OK, so I did not say the “honey” part but I would have liked to).



Listing agent kept saying that the “seller wants the buyer to….”   or “I need the buyers to sign this” REALLY??



Who cares what the seller wants?


Or what the listing agent wants? Or what any agent wants? It is irrelevant.  The only thing that matters is what the contract says…so read the contract.


Here is the best part of the story…


I told the listing agent that it would be foolish for the buyer to sign agreeing to something  that is not in their best interest, when they have no contractual obligation to do so.  Her answer was that in 25 years in the business, no one has ever questioned her addendum.


Now this is a scary thought!


What that says is that no buyers agent she has worked with ever read the contract and they just went along with what she wanted.  A real buyers agent does not throw the home buyer under the bus by having them sign something  just because they other agent said so.  Were they intimated to just go along?


A Real Estate Contract is a legal document and is the only agreement between the buyer and the seller.  The agents are not party to the contract so what any agent thinks, wants or feels is not important.  Every buyer and seller simply need to  follow what is stipulated in the contract.  But first you have to read the contract.


The Buyer Agents at Buyers Broker of  Florida do read the contract.  Always. They are experienced and savvy buyers brokers that do understand the purchase contract. For the best in Home buying representation call us 407-539-1053.

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