When the Orlando Home Seller lies…

orlando home sellerThe reason that an Orlando home seller lies is because they can.


The rule for an Orlando home seller is that they must disclose all material facts to the home buyer.  While the disclosure is not required to be in writing, most of the time it is.


A sellers disclosure is a mufti page questionnaire that the home seller fills out, which clarify any issues about the property and discloses any problems.



But sometimes it is easier for the Orlando home seller to hide it rather than talk about it.


Is the Orlando home seller honest about disclosing ?


Most of the time, “yes”. Many times “no”!  Fact is just like some people lie, so do some Orlando home sellers.


Orlando home sellers lie about property conditions like:


  • A roof leak.
  • A property encroachment.
  • Flooding around the house.
  • An A/C system that works sporadically.
  • Dishwasher that grinds
  • Water heater that needs to be replaced


The Orlando home seller thinks if they don’t mention a problem, the buyer will never notice


If the Orlando home seller is contractually required to repair some deficiencies after home inspections, sometime they even lie about fixing the problem.


For Example:


  • Instead of replacing the rotten wood, home seller will just stick putty in there.


  • Instead of replacing the water heater, the home seller will fill it full of towels.


  • One time instead of fixing a roof leak, home seller made a fancy tunnel to divert the leaking water into the gutter to claim that the ceiling was dry.


Surprising how creative an Orlando Home Seller can get when they decide to cheap out…


We know all the home seller tricks and will hold the Orlando home seller feet to the fire to fix it properly.  That is why every home buyer needs an Exclusive Buyers Agent to guide them down the path of “buyer beware”.


Here is the biggest LIE…


When the Orlando home seller CLAIMS NOT TO KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE PROPERTY!!  Seller may a flipper or a landlord and just because they never lived there, (or have not lived there recently) they try to be exempt from any disclosure.


So the home seller fills out a sellers disclosure by crossing off all the categories and writing on it…“Seller knows nothing, they don’t live there”


Give me a break…every Orlando Home seller knows something.


You don’t need to live in a home you own to know what is wrong with it.


When a flipper remodels a home they do learn about the house deficiencies…for sure.


I own rental property and I don’t live there either….but I do know how old the roof is and which toilet is loose and which A/C is causing me problems.  Tenants complain and I pay the bills, so I do know all about the property…and so does every home seller who claims otherwise.


Buyers Broker of Florida is a unique Buyer Agency company that ONLY represents the best interest of the home buyer. They have experienced all of the above.  There is no additional cost to hire them for your side.


Expert Advice or Call 407-539-1053.


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