Who controls home buyers?

who controls home buyersWho controls home buyers?

Who controls home buyers? No one. If the home buyer is working with the listing agent, they are at the mercy of what that listing agent wants.


Working with someone that represents the seller is not smart. But for the sake of this blog I will assume that the home buyer is smart. Smart home buyers have their own Buyers Agent. To hire a 100% Buyer-Loyal Broker, call the Orlando Buyers Brokers. 407-539-1053.


Who controls home buyers is simple:


Who is buying the house?

Contracts are between the home buyer and home seller. No one else is party to the contract. So, the only thing that counts is what the buyer wants and what the seller will agree to.


What the listing agent thinks, wants or feels is not important. The listing agents job is to inform the seller of the home buyers requests and let the Seller make the decision.


The listing agent cannot control home buyers.


In the real estate world, playing by the rules does not always happen

Many times in real estate, the listing agent is the gate keeper who thinks that they get to control everything. They can’t control the home buyers.


Not long ago I read an article where the listing agent was telling the buyer what they could or could not do. They forbid the buyer to check on property permits. They also told the buyer they did not want them to speak with anyone at the homeowners association.


I even had a broker create her own addendum stating that the buyer was not allowed to check with the city about code violations. Seriously. You better believe that the home buyer can check whatever they want. You also better believe that a good buyers agent will want to check that.


That is so wrong…

First of all, if the home buyer is working with a buyers agent, they have no relationship with the sellers agent. The sellers agent cannot control home buyer, because they do not have the authority to control the home buyer. They can only control the issues on the sellers side.


Many home buyers get bamboozled and intimated into complying with things they don’t need to. This can result in a buyer compromising their negotiating position.


This is where a good buyers agent steps in and is the buffer between the home buyer and an overzealous listing agent. Every home buyer needs a buyers advocate that will advise and offer options to the home buyer without trying to control them.


Every home buyer also needs their own buyers agent to advocate for them. Florida Transaction Brokers are not anyone’s advocate…they are simply in the middle to facilitate the transaction. Be smart and hire your own agent.


For the finest in expert buyer representation, call Buyers Broker of Florida for a confidential chat. 407-539-1053


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